The Christian
Good parenting is about creating boundaries, and God is the perfect example of boundary setting.
I am a Christian first, before being a wife, mother and professional. I struggle daily, with the concept of being an outdoor christian, where who I project on the outside mirrors who I am inside. It's an ongoing journey.
I believe that we are not of the world but we are in, and therefore are not sheltered from its evils. Although I would like to shield my husband and children from the dangers of this world, I am not able to do so. Therefore every day is a process of trusting God to make sure that they that are ok, and to Gove me the grace to live in true freedom.
I still sin, and fall short...
But I repent and pick myself up from where I fell off and strive to be better, everyday!
I have always had a healthy fear of God from an early age. My father was very strict about attending Church on time every Sunday, if you were left by the car you needed to get yourself to Mass before it was over. My mom was born-again Catholic and introduced me to Salvation at A Level. But it is not until 2014 when I decided to be more intentional in building my personal relationship with God.
Previously, I had been a good Catholic Christian, with Checklists and keen to follow rules, but oblivious to my spiritual self and the task to walk the spiritual life in the flesh. I now am more alive to the reality that eternal life will be much longer than the life I will live on earth, and hence committed to fulfilling my purpose in this life and prepare for the next life. Because this standard of Christian living is so high, the temptation is to think we can do it by ourselves. But although God calls to be perfect, He knows we are not and only asks us to keep trying, relying on Him.
I cannot over emphasise the critical role that reading the word of God plays in helping to define my identity. It brings heaven to life and has the power to change the reality in the world I currently live in.
I have learnt to humble myself in obedience to the word of God. This has never been easy, but I let the priorities of my life come from the Bible. Every day, the Lord, Jesus, teaches me patience, to wait upon Him regardless of my academic achievements, and talents, to be humble, to listen to the opinions of others whom I may consider beneath me, and to extend mercy and grace, being kind to others and to myself.
Being a Christian has helped me to be mindful of the impact of my actions, thoughts and words to those around me and especially to those, who look up to me.