Jesus the bridge to relationship with God. So let me start with a disclaimer, Jesus has been my friend for a long time so I am thoroughly biased. But that should not diminish how awesome He is. Now the longest relationships I have had to date without a doubt are with my parents and then my siblings. I have always assumed that next came the relationship I have had with Jesus. However this has been strongly refuted by the Scripture verse, Jeremiah Chapter 1 verse 5a; before I formed you in the womb I knew you. This relationship has not been far from perfect, it has had its ups and downs but it has held true.
Jesus came to make God the Father very relatable. And I can testify this is true in my life. When God says He draws near to me I can believe Him because I know and believe His son Jesus walked here on earth and faced the same trials and challenges that I do. In the book of John Jesus said ‘Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father’. My Good Shepherd has seen me through the good, the bad and the ugly. His love is unwavering, steadfast and can be thoroughly depended upon. At the point where most people would give up on a relationship Jesus says, He is just getting started.
God seeks relationship with us. He made us in His own image and you would think that would be enough for us to recognise Him and relate with Him. Unfortunately that is not the case because God is Spirit and He made us in the image of His Spirit. Very few of us automatically see ourselves as spirit we see ourselves in the flesh. The image of our physical man reigns supreme in our minds. But God did not give up on us. He then sent prophets to tell us about Him and He had sporadic success in getting the message out. Then He sent Jesus who looked like us so our chances of believing in Him would exponentially increase.
Jesus came so that we would have relationship with God in John 17:3 Jesus says that eternal life is to know God and Jesus whom He sent. So do you have eternal life, do you know Jesus? Knowing Jesus is not as difficult nor complicated as it sounds. It starts with a choice, a choice to believe what Jesus has said about Himself. That His is the way, the truth and the life and that no one, I repeat no one can come to the Father except through Him.
1 Comment
ANEN. For sure he will never leave nor forsake us. I have walked a long journey where many thought and belived that I would never make it but See God. He proves everyday that as long as you hold steadfast in him and put your trust in him he shall never leave your side. Am humbled and believe God loves me.