Intimacy with God, what does this look like? How well do I know God? Please read the previous article I wrote on this subject. Since my husband passed away I have discovered that I knew him way better than I had given myself credit for. I have found in any given situation I can tell what he would have said, how he would have looked and what he would have done. It is both unsettling and comforting. It sometimes feels as if he never left but his absence in my day to day life speaks volumes. Now don’t get me wrong I don’t go looking for his essence or indulge in daydreaming about him. It is just worth noting that the two become one is a reality I am living out.
I can say with confidence that I knew my husband well. This intimacy was created because we lived in close proximity for about fifteen years. It is only now that I am getting to appreciate the depths and layers to our relationship. This has been made possible by the amount of time we spent together, the values we shared, the family we created and the life we shared. This has challenged me to revaluate the relationship I profess to have with my saviour Jesus Christ who lives on the inside of me. At salvation Jesus comes and dwells on the inside of the believer.
Questions I have had to ask myself, how much do I really love Jesus? Since Ed’s passing I have found out that some of the things I used to gripe about I now do with nary a complaint. Just because I know it would have pleased him. Can I say with certainty that I know what Jesus would do in any given situation? How He would behave and does it dictate how I respond to situations I find myself in? Am I confident that Jesus would still love me especially when I don’t do what He says, when I go against his will? Do I really believe Jesus loves me unconditionally? These are some of the interesting tough questions I have had to ponder on.
This brings us to the question what should intimacy with God look like. I should live, free not scared or afraid that He is keeping tabs on my behaviour. I should not take a stab about how He would think about any given situation. I should be certain, I should know for sure by checking His word. Unlike God, Ed didn’t come with a manual, I had to learn about him by doing life with him. In contrast God has given me the bible. He has written down the things He thinks are important for me to get to know Him. Information necessary to being in a relationship with him. So I now need to spend TIME reading, understanding and accepting God as He is. So I challenge you this week to spend time with your heavenly Father by reading about Him, in His own words.
Hey Anna,
Thank you for sharing this very challenging post. You have asked some tough questions that really tell whether we really believe in God and His word. I agree that reading the Word of God is one way of growing my relationship with Him, prayer also helps me a lot as I get to speak my heart to Him, and when He responds the feeling is priceless. I guess this has continued to strengthen my relationship with God. The Bible commands me to, “Love the Lord my God with all my heart, with all my soul, and with all my might”, I guess the big question is how much I love God because this determines how much time I spend in His presence. Thank you for the reminder, God bless you Anna!
Am always amazed at how God ministers to people who trust Him in difficult seasons of life. Anna you’ve been a great challenge and blessing at all times in your posts. The Lord truly has been closer than a brother during this season of life. May the Lord truly enrich you as you unwaveringly cling in his able hands. Keep doing this for his glory and the encouragement of his body the church. Love you.
Indeed God leaves us with a manual to guide and direct how we should relate to Him
With proper guidance I believe the more we read the Bible and improve on our relationship with God all things will fall into place and life will be smooth and not as confusing as it is for some of us.
It is well Anna. Much love and hugs.
Do I really believe Jesus loves me unconditionally………….this is a question I ask myself frequently……and more i read his manual “the Bible” the me am assured of that love…..thank you Anna for the reminder.may the Lord bless you
Thank you for illuminating that level of spiritual awareness.
Never looked at it that way, there’s even a manual!!!! I just need to spend time with Him. Wow Anna. Thank you for this profound message. May God continue using you. God bless you immensely.