The joys of parenting may feel like a myth when you are down in the trenches, especially at the start of the journey. When the baby won’t sleep through the night or when they have night fevers. When you worry that they are behind in their development, joy is the last thing on your mind! I remember thinking about and focusing on survival, the baby’s and mine. But like everything else in life you have to be intentional about experiencing the joys. What are the joys of parenting? I will discuss only three, the joy of having children, the unconditional love you receive from your children and the feeling you get when they achieve their milestones.
Having children is a blessing that we believe we receive from God. The joy of having children occurs at different stages of their growth but the notable one is at birth. Holding that bundle of joy safely in your arms is priceless. When they direct their first toothless smile in your direction. When they make welcoming sounds on detecting your presence near them. All lovely heart warming moments! As they grow older, when they deliberately seek your company, introduce you to their friends, laugh at your jokes and like the same things you do. The joy of having children is most evident by its absence when your children leave and you find yourself an ‘empty nester’.
Your children love you unconditionally. Children have the inborn knack of loving you despite your many faults. A priceless gift which if you receive it, will give you years of boundless joy. Please note that your attitude will determine the experience you will have. Your children have no preconceived ideas of what to expect from you. Your children love you wholeheartedly expressed in the way they call out to you. In my experience children are quick to forgive and when they are younger they tend to move on very quickly from disappointment. They put into practice the forgive and forget rule that as Christians we are called to imitate our heavenly Father.
Lastly one other joy of parenting is the feeling of elation you get when they achieve milestones. When your child takes his or her first step, when they successfully feed themselves. I recently attended the swimming gala at my daughter’s school, now she is not the fastest swimmer in her group so when she won her race, I was sincerely delighted! My prayer for you is you learn to recognise these magnificent moments of joy!