At the age of nineteen I had pretty much settled in my mind who I was going to spend the rest of my life with and I had a firm timeline in my mind. I had determined that I would finish high school, go on to university and right after graduating with my Bachelors degree the deal would be sealed. I would be Mrs ….. and I had a distinct vision of my eleven children just enough to form a football team. Well Fast forward to 12 years later single, just broken up with my second boyfriend and the total plan of my life in disarray. It didn’t help that phone calls to my Mum ended with wisely counsel that my biological clock was ticking and I wasn’t getting younger. For most of my life when I focus on something I pretty much got what I wanted or achieved my goal but this one of marriage was fast slipping by, isn’t it amazing that when you get to the end of yourself, when realise and accept the limitation of your human abilities and capabilities you remember the One who has never let you down, the one who is faithful. I turned to God and surprisingly He was right there, I am humbled about how patient God is, He is ever present, He is ever waiting. He could teach me a thing or two about waiting.
I prayed and declared boldly ( I am sure it was my frustration speaking out) that the next person I date would be my husband, I promised to wait on Him and only pounce when it was clear that the person was the one. Months went by but not too many, I declared this in February and in September it finally happened. My older sister Natasha who was working for Citizen newspaper at the time got an invitation to the cocktail to celebrate the paper’s first year in Tanzania. As luck would have it she was feeling magnanimous and gave me her invitation card and I could bring a plus one. Will, younger brother to my best friend Josephine agreed to escort me, did I mention he is eye candy! So I was all set to make a good impression. I definitely spotted my husband to be well before he did. but I must say I
I was all set to have a good time, my date was charming, I had a few glasses of bubbly and then I saw him and I was floored by pheromones. Dizzy and giddy with excitement I insisted a mutual friend introduce us and then I shamlessly became a groupie. I have had finer more dignified moments in my life and this was not one of them. I think he thought I was a nuisance but he couldn’t shake me off whenever he looked up I was somewhere lurking around. Finally my persistence paid off, he reluctantly turned to me and said…
And that was the start of my whirlwind romance with my husband Edward.
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I love Dating my spouse I love going out so welcome ideas