The Wife

Being an intelligent and headstrongwoman, I sometimes struggle with submitting to my husband especially when I hold different opinions to his. It is a continuous test of faith, obedience and trust and a commitment I made to God, not to him.

Anna-Maria Mwachinga

It has been said that a woman's choice of a life partner is the most significant decision of her career.  I agree but add a caveat, it is the most important decision of her life. 

As the head of the home, he models the type of home that you build together for your children and extended family. It is therefore important to choose a partner who matches your moral code and supports your in the pursuit of your life's purpose and service to God. 

“I see you have really been trying to talk to me all evening, what do you want to tell me?”

that was the opening line to my ongoing love story with beloved husband, Edward Mwachinga.

When I met Ed and introduced him to the family, they were not happy with him not being a Catholic. His family being Methodist and even having a church built on the family’s land did not seem to matter. As a Catholic, there was an expectation that I needed to be married in the Catholic church but my parents were adamant that my children also needed to be raised Catholic. This impasse was unfortunately, not yet resolved by the time of our wedding and had even become a major condition in the bride price negotiations, and I had no choice, than to threaten my parents that we would elope and geet married in the registrar's office!

Fast-forward to today, and I am blessed to have had a partner in life, with whom to grow and do life with. I am proud of myself for being the courageous one to follow him around during the cocktail party, where we met, becuase good things come to those who are courageous to go after what they want.